Computer Laboratory

The school has the provision for imparting training on computer and use of audio visual CDs for students. To develop the concept of IT (Information Technology) the trainees are facilitated with computer course. The  school has a contract with an NGO named ”Habitat For Humanity” for providing Computer, CDs and trained staff. Following facilities are available in the institution for It .

Thompson Women’s Training Institute, Cuttack is a committed quality education service provider to the society. The Computer Course, which is provided to the students are skillfully furnished on continuous contents to give a comprehensive knowledge. It will definitely boast students on the path of success.

Teaching staff   Mrs. Swarupa Rani Das  (Computer Teacher) ,

No. of Computer available- 6 Laptops with Internet facilities.

The Computer Lab is also used as e-library of the school, facilitating the teacher trainees to enhance their knowledge.

Name of the Course: (Diploma in Computer Application.) Course covered:

  1. Basic Concepts of Hardware and Software
  2. Operating System: DOS & Windows Command Application
  3. Application Software: – MS- Word, MS- Excel, MS- Power Point
  4. Internet Concepts and its features
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